Aşiyan Museum
The house where poet Tevfik Fikret lived between 1906 and 1915 serves as the Aşiyan Museum. It was purchased by the Istanbul Municipality from his wife Nazime Hanım in 1940 and opened as the Literature Museum in 1945. His body, which was previously located in the Eyüp cemetery, was transferred to this garden, which he liked very much for its natural appearance, in 1961, and after this date, the museum was named "Aşiyan Museum".
Tevfik Fikret drew the projects of his house himself and named the word aşiyan, which means "home" in Persian, here.
Aşiyan Museum Sections
The ground floor of the Aşiyan Museum, which has 3 floors of wood in the garden, is used for administrative works today. On the first floor, the Kitap-ı Cedide Room, where the photographs, books and personal belongings of the Kitap-ı Cedide artists are exhibited, the Abdülhak Hamit Hall, where the personal belongings of Abdülhak Hamit, paintings, photographs, a desk and armchairs are located, books and photographs belonging to Nigar Hanım, one of our female poets. There is the Poet Nigar Hanım Room, where her paintings, personal archives and belongings are exhibited. On the second floor reserved for Tevfik Fikret; The poet's bedroom and study are located. In the room that the poet used as a bedroom during his years of life; Objects such as his personal belongings, the bed on which he died, and a copy of the mask taken from the poet's face by Mihri Hanım are exhibited. In the room he uses as a study; There is a desk and chair, paintings and paintings made by himself. The famous "Fog" painting, made by Şehzade Abdülmecit Efendi, inspired by Tevfik Fikret's poem "Fog", is also here.

Source Türkiye Culture Portal History of Istanbul