Galata Mevlevihanesi Museum
Mevlevi lodges, which have combined music and science for centuries, have had a great impact on Turkish culture. Many people gathered around Mevlevi lodges have studied in many branches of fine arts and have made a name for themselves in their fields.
Galata Mevlevi Lodge, located at the top of the hill leading down to Yüksekkaldırım in the Beyoğlu district, is the oldest Mevlevi lodge in Istanbul. II. It was built in 1491 on the home farm of İskender Pasha, the governor of the reign of Sultan Beyazid. Its first sheikh was Mehmed Sema-i Çelebi.
Mevlevihane Sultan III. Even though it suffered a fire during the reign of Mustafa, the Mevlevi Lodge, which stands today, was built by the same sultan. Later, Sultan III. Selim and II. It was repaired during the reign of Mahmud and continued its operations until 1925.
Mevlevihane, which was repaired again between 1967 and 1972 and built as a social complex; It consists of a semahane, dervish cells, sheikh's office, sultan's gathering place, sisters' section, library, public fountain, muvakkithane, kitchen, tombs and treasury. There is a repair inscription of Sultan Abdülmecid on the entrance door of this wooden part, which is used as Semahane Museum, and it is dated 1853.
The building has an octagonal plan and is one of the fine examples of the 18th century Baroque style. In this section, Turkish musical instruments and works of Mevlevi culture are exhibited. In the upper part, which is separated by wooden cages, there are, in chronological order, the divans of the divan poets and the manuscripts of Şeyh Galib, İsmail Ankaravî, Mısır and Fasih Dedeler, who were educated in the Mevlevi Lodge, and the poet Leylâ Hanım.
Opened as a museum in 1975, Galata Mevlevi Lodge, also known as Kulekapı Mevlevi Lodge, is one of the institutions that reflect the culture and art of its period.
Source Türkiye Culture Portal History of Istanbul